Good News Umlazi
Good News CrusadesPublish date: 06/05/2005
Good News Umlazi was a nation shaking event and we saw thousands of lives changed over this 10 day period. Eric and Jennifer Gonyon did a superb job on Good News Umlazi for us as they did on Good News Soweto. We had the co-operation of 275 churches and pastors. We had 16 giant billboards, put up 7000 posters, handed out 700,000 flyers, and paid for 1000 buses over the course of ten days of the demonstration of the power of God in the King Zwelithini Soccer Stadium. Every night we preached a soul-winning message, gave an altar call for salvation, ministered on the baptism of the Holy Spirit and prayed with the people to be filled and to speak in other tongues, prayed for people to be filled with the joy of the Lord, and then prayed for all those who needed healing as they placed their hands on the sick part of their body.
We had an accumulated attendance of over 539,000 people over the ten day crusade and we also broadcast live over three radio stations–one secular, rock station, and two Christian stations. Over 1 million people listen to these stations, which broadcast in a 120 mile radius. We had over 286,750 souls saved in the stadium, and many more over the radio. Many people were wonderfully healed, both in the stadium and at home, listening to the radio. We heard many stories of people gathering around the radio with all their friends and family every night to listen to the singing and preaching. Every day people came in to tell us how they were saved, healed, filled with the Holy Spirit, and touched by the power of God, listening to the radio in their homes! The rock station was very excited at the viewer response to GNU and all the phone calls they received.
We had blind eyes opened, ears were opened; bones and joints were healed; people could walk, bend, and dance without assistance; pain left, demons left; epileptics were cured and went from 10 seizures a day to nothing for the whole week! We had many people healed of asthma and sugar diabetes, who were able to come totally off of their medication. Some of them even brought their doctors along to testify! It was a very successful ten days!