Watch Good News Mamelodi
Good News CrusadesPublish date: 11/21/2005

Good News Mamelodi was an awesome success! We saw thousands of people touched by the power of the Holy Spirit. We truly believe that this city and region will never be the same again. We had over 219,500 people in attendance and we had over 113,000 recorded decisions for Christ in only 5 nights. We ran approximately 507 buses during the whole week. We now have available the Saturday Night service from Good News Mamelodi for you to watch from the convenience of your own computer. Click on Video on Demand on the left menu; if you have not already registered with; please do so, and then you will have access to watch the full service from Mamelodi.
GNM was also broadcast live on four different radio stations. Two were Christian stations and two were secular stations. These stations reach over 1 million people. The radio stations received stacks of SMS messages (text messages) of people with testimonies and prayer requests who responded from the live radio broadcast. Only when we get to Heaven will we will really know how many people were impacted by this crusade.
We also had many, many miraculous healings. Blind eyes were opened, the deaf heard, the mute spoke and the lame walked. The Lord moved in such an awesome way!
Every night we gave away R5000 (approximately $800) and on the last night two children had the winning tickets, one winning R10000 and the other R5000!
Thank you to all of our friends and partners who sowed their finances into this crusade. This is your harvest! You are storing up much treasure in Heaven, where moth and rust cannot destroy. Thank you for being a part of impacting Mamelodi–because of your seed, they will never be the same again!
GNM Stats:
113,000 Recorded Decisions for Christ
1.3 Million Handbills Distributed
7,000 Posters Distributed
11 Major Billboards Posted
Newspaper Campaign in 4 Major Newspapers
507 Total Buses Ran
R35000 Given Away over 5 Nights
A complete set of instruments were given away to a local church who participated in GNM
10 Electric Guitars were given away to local churches who participated in GNM