Ministers' Conference '07
RMI World HeadquartersPublish date: 10/01/2007

Drs. Rodney & Adonica Howard-Browne Invite You! This fall is your opportunity to get fueled up–both for your own life and for your ministry.
God is raising up an army of believers that are radical, fearless and bold to proclaim the Gospel. We are living in the days the prophets of old only dreamed of! An awakening of God's Spirit is coming to this land and YOU are the vessel that God is going to use to help bring in this end-time harvest of souls!
Those who hunger and thirst after righteousness will be filled. Come hungry and thirsty, expecting God to fill you up afresh. Bring your friends and family. This event is designed specifically for those in full-time ministry, but is open to all.
Conference Schedule: | |
October 8-12, 2007 Service Times: Monday-Friday at 7 PM Ladies in Ministry Luncheon: October 10 - < Time: 12 PM-3 PM in the RMI Multi-purpose Building Golf Tournament: October 11 - Breakfast is at 7 AM, Tee Time is at 8 AM Location: Heritage Isles Golf Course 10630 Plantation Bay Drive, Tampa, FL 33647 |
Location: RMI World Headquarters 3738 River International Drive Tampa, FL 33610 Phone: 813.971.9999 |