The River Church

Publish date: 10/09/2006

River Choir- If you love to worship and sing, sign up for The River Choir today at the Info Booth. Practices are held on Wednesdays at 8 PM.

Don’t miss the Ministers’ Conference this Week- Every night before each special guest, Pastor Rodney will be sharing the vision for seeing America shaken by the power of God in the 24 city tour for 2007. Special guest speakers include: Rick Shelton, Frank Bailey, Mike Hankins, James Marocco & Bob Nichols. This conference is not just for those in the full-time ministry, but for every believer whose desire is to fulfill the call of God on their life. Do not miss this week of destiny.

Holy Spirit Weekend, October Starts This Friday- Our next Holy Spirit Weekend is coming up, October 13-15. Be sure to invite your friends and family in the Florida area that you know need a touch from Heaven. It is going to be an awesome conclusion to the Ministers’ Conference. Don’t miss it!

Ladies in Ministry Tea- Ladies, you are invited to join Dr. Adonica Howard-Browne for Afternoon Tea on Wednesday, October 11 from 2-5 PM for ladies in full-time ministry only. Admission is only $20 per person. Stop by the foyer for more info.

Golf Tournament this Thursday- The Tournament will be held at Heritage Isles Golf Course. A beautiful 18-hole course, that will put you to the test. There is a fee of $100 per person which includes: 18 holes of golf, breakfast, lunch, 1/2 cart, 1st, 2nd & 3rd place trophies & many more prizes! The tournament is open to men and ladies. You can put a team together or we can join you with other golfers. Stop by the Golf Registration table to sign-up.

River Youth (Not Your Cute, Religious Youth Church—this stuff is REAL)- Join the River Youth every Sunday night at 6 PM for x-treme drama, God’s presence, live music and an intense message. The River Youth is open to all, ages 13-19.

Children’s Church- Children’s Church is available for children ages 1-12 for all services.

Traducciףn en Espaסol- ¡Bienvenidos amigos! Nosotros proveemos traducciףn durante nuestros servicios. Por favor recojan sus audםfonos en la mesa de informaciףn en la entrada # 1. 
