The River Church

Publish date: 11/12/2006

Clearwater, Florida Ablaze - Mark your calendar for November 19-22. Pastors Rodney & Adonica will be holding a special week of revival in Clearwater at the Royalty Theatre. Click Here for Directions

Special Guest, November 26 & 28 - Don’t miss Dr. Hilton Sutton on Sunday, November 26 & Tuesday, November 28. He will be conducting a special End Times Seminar at The River. Dr. Sutton is one of the world’s foremost authorities on the prophetic scriptures, including the Book of Revelation.

The River 10 Year Anniversary - Don’t forget to set aside December 1-3. Come out & celebrate with Pastors Rodney & Adonica for this momentous occasion.

New Member Classes - Saturday, December 9 at 10:30 AM we will be having our monthly new members class. If you have been coming to The River and feel that you would like to make this your home church—join us. We will give you lots of info about The River and what our church is all about and how you can be a part of it.

The 24 Hour Prayer Team - Be a part of Shaking America through the power of prayer.
Call 813-971-9999 with the days & hours that you would be able to pray for America & the Great Awakening Tour.

River Youth (Not Your Cute, Religious Youth Church—this stuff is REAL) - Join the River Youth every Sunday night at 6 PM for x-treme drama, God’s presence, live music and an intense message. The River Youth is open to all, ages 13-19.

Children’s Church - Children’s Church is available for children ages 1-12 for all services.

Traducciףn en Espaסol - ¡Bienvenidos amigos! Nosotros proveemos traducciףn durante nuestros servicios. Por favor recojan sus audםfonos en la mesa de informaciףn en la entrada # 1. 
