You are invited to join us for The Great Awakening Broadcast, which has been extended through June 2011, with Drs. Rodney & Adonica Howard-Browne.
Since January 2nd, we have received more than 92,660 phone calls from people who are watching at home. Through phone calls, we have had over 12,120 salvations, 4,480 Holy Spirit baptisms, and 3,890 healings. Through social media such as Twitter, E-mail, SMS, and testimonies and prayer requests through revival.com, we have had over 36,300 responses. With phone calls and social media, we have had over 128,960 DIRECT CONTACTS.
On weekdays at 1 PM and on Saturdays at 9:30 AM, Power Evangelism classes are offered and teams go out to fulfill the Great Commission. Join us! The classes are FREE and anyone can be a part!
Are you leading others to Christ? Please, report your Soul Winning Stats. Post your stats by going to revival.com. Create a log in and click Post Stats.
Many have downloaded or been sent the Gospel Soul Winning Script and are leading others to Christ. Believers from 46 countries and 1,238 cities are actively participating with the Great Awakening and have posted over 267,200 DECISIONS FOR JESUS CHRIST!
As you may know, we decided not to receive any offerings on the Live TV broadcast so that we can use all three hours nightly to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and motivate people to win souls. Please, prayerfully consider sowing a generous seed into this global harvest today. If one person would give something substantial each week, it would really help make a big difference. Please, ask the Lord what He would have you to do and do exactly what He directs you to do. Invest in the Gospel
We also have Healing School classes going on every Monday – Friday, from 2:30 - 4 PM in the RBI auditorium, which is free to all. It is open to anyone and everyone who desires to learn what the Word of God teaches about healing, to grow in faith regarding healing, and to walk in the authority that Christ gave every believer over sickness and disease. For more information, please click here or call us at (813) 971-9999.
God is MOVING IN A MIGHTY WAY. People are coming from other states and countries. They are receiving the fire of God, a HOLY BOLDNESS, and are taking it back home. As a result, many are seeing their areas SHAKEN WITH THE POWER OF THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST!
Make plans NOW to join us in Tampa! Registration is FREE.
We love you and know that God has GREAT things in store for you!
Steven C. from Florida: I have been addicted to pills for the past two years. My friend brought me to The Great Awakening meetings. I have now given my life to the Lord and am baptized with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues! I have been clean for 2 weeks. I have no desire to go back to drugs now that I have God!
Jared J. from Illinois: I had a great time on the streets attending the Great Awakening Power Evangelism class. I preached the Gospel using the Gospel Soul Winning Script and 7 people prayed the prayer of salvation. I had a wonderful time with my team leaders and sharing the Gospel.
Mike O. from Wisconsin: It was my first time ever going out on the streets to share my faith and it was awesome. While on the streets, I saw a group of youth smoking. I went up to them and simply read the Gospel Soul Winning Script and they accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior. It was my first time and 10 people received Jesus Christ that day. Praise God.
Frank M. from Pennsylvania: I went out this week with our Full Gospel Business Fellowship using the Gospel Soul Winning Script. As a result, we saw 430 people give their lives to the Lord. Amongst those were Muslims, atheist, gang members, Jews, Catholics, and Jehovah Witnesses. Praise the Lord!
Sierra O. from Wisconsin: I am 11 years old and this was my first time soul winning. I was really, really nervous but I used the Gospel Soul Winning Script. To my surprise, I was able to lead someone to the Lord! I want to win many more people to Jesus!
Pastors David and Michelle, from Delta, Colorado, have been going into the nursing homes preaching the Gospel. Pastor Dave has seen people won to the Lord that looked like they would have never accepted the Gospel. One woman, who is being kept alive on life support, was lying unconscious in her hospice bed. Pastor David walked in the room to minister to the woman. The moment that he sat down, the woman miraculously sat up in her bed and removed her oxygen mask. Though taken by surprise, Pastor David proceeded to minister to her using the Gospel Soul Winning Script. The woman said the prayer of salvation and thanked Pastor David. She then put her oxygen mask back on and fell fast asleep. While talking to the hospice nurse, he found out that the woman had not been conscious for the past few days