Strategizing for the Nations...
Weekly Update: March 20, 2019Publish date: 03/20/2019
It has been a powerful week! We have been hosting the Ambassador to the UN from El Salvador, Carlos Garcia, this week as well as Madelyn Rodriguez, who is the Chairperson of the Faith Branch UNA-SV. They were able to join us for both services on Sunday at The River Church and have been speaking to the River University student body this week. We have been very honored to have them here as we have been planning and strategizing for the nations. Ambassador Carlos is a wonderful man of God, and we are very excited to see what the Lord is doing within the United Nations.Watch The Main Event Replay, “Beside Yourself."

Last week, we were in the Southern Caribbean, lighting fires in five different nations. It was a phenomenal week with so many people’s lives transformed and touched by the fire of God. Many of these islands are very tiny, and most ministries do not come to these places. People came hungry and desperate for a touch from God. It is an upper room meeting, where people are mobilized to win souls. Every altar call was packed and people were touched and set free. We trained people to win souls, make disciples, and bring them to church. It was very powerful. The only hope for any of these places is the Gospel of Christ.

Southern Caribbean Ablaze Totals
Attendance: 3,508
Altar: 1,413
People Mobilized for the Harvest: 2,579
One person set ablaze by the fire of God can make a huge difference. One person set ablaze in these nations and the whole place is shaken. That fire is being lit, and you watch what is going to happen in the next 2-3 years. We have already planned another 12 cities in the Caribbean and the northern part of South America. This will all happen by the end of 2020.
Below are the pictures, stats, and a short update from each city from the Southern Caribbean. Thank you for partnering with us with your prayers and financial support as we travel throughout the world lighting fires in these 300 cities.If it wasn’t for the blessing of Heaven, we wouldn’t be able to do what we are doing and you are all a part of this. One hundred years from now, you will understand the impact of your contribution. No sacrifice we make is wasted—the Lord sees and recompenses each and every act of service and generosity. It may seem glamorous to be traveling around the world, but it is challenging—it takes a lot of hard work, faithfulness, consistency and commitment. This is my 40th year of doing this—you need to continually (and willingly) put your life on the altar. You make yourself available. Many times, we have to break through all of the religion and all of the tradition to find that one person who is hungry and thirsty. When we see the fire of God touch them, that is what makes it all worth it.

St. Lucia | City #57 of 300
The place was packed with 750 in the building. It was standing room only. It was a powerful service. The fire of God fell, and we were live on television across the whole Island.
Total Attendance: 1,150 (750 inside standing & 400 outside with many others turned away)
Altar Call: 410
855 people mobilized for the harvest of souls
Podcast Update from St. Lucia

St. Vincent, and the Grenadines | City #58 of 300
The place was packed. Three hundred and thirty-two people were touched. Even though it doesn’t sound like very many people, in most places we have the largest crowds they have ever had. The upper room had 120 people, and if I have more than that, I am happy. We can shake the country.
Attendance: 332
Altar Call: 131
235 people mobilized for the harvest of souls
Podcast Update from St. Vincent

St. Andrew, Grenada | City #59 of 300
We had to drive through a rain forest to get to the church.
Attendance: 630
Altar Call: 308
480 people mobilized for the harvest of souls
Podcast Update from Grenada

Tobago | City #60 of 300
The Minister of Finance from Tobago was in the meeting, and he told me that he had been to The River Church in 2011 and had been out with our team winning souls on the streets in Tampa.
Attendance: 325
Altar Call: 156
235 people mobilized for the harvest of souls
Podcast Update from Tobago

Trinidad | City #61 of 300
Attendance: 723
Altar Call: 312
541 people mobilized for the harvest of souls
Podcast Update from Trinidad

Antigua | City #62 of 300
It was very critical for us to go to Antigua. It is under British rule, but it is independent. As we were driving to the hotel, they told me that the new construction we saw was the new Chinese embassy and that China was building the port. China is taking over many of these islands and many countries in Africa and other places. That night, as I spoke, I told them that in 3 years, if they don’t win their island to Christ, they would lose their island to false gods. As we travel, I realize how small this window is to do what we do for the Kingdom. We pray but we don’t just pray—we do something. We win souls, and then we give people their mission and their purpose.
Attendance: 348
Altar Call: 86
233 people mobilized for the harvest of souls
Podcast Update from Antigua
Sponsor a City
We are lighting fires, and you can be a part together with us in this great harvest of souls as we head to Europe for another 17 cities this coming Sunday night. In many places, in one night, we are seeing what would normally take us a whole week to see. My goal is to see 100 people ignited per city, and so far we are far exceeding our goal!! You can be a part by sponsoring a city!
One Night Holy Ghost Totals
62/300 Cities
Attendance: 53,704
Altar: 15,688
People mobilized for the harvest 14,168
Invest in the Gospel today!
Between now and the end of 2020, we are estimating over 60,000 people will be mobilized to win souls, which is double of what our original goal was. God is doing this! Please, keep us in your prayers and please pray about sowing into this great harvest field. Be a part of what is happening in these 300 cities.
Ask the Lord what He would have you do, and be obedient to do exactly what He tells you to do. Be generous. Do your best! Do it as an act of worship to the Lord!
Sponsor a City

Europe Ablaze Travel Route
Europe Ablaze
This Sunday night, we leave for Europe. During March 25th-April 12th, we will be making our third trip to Europe within 5 months. We will be hitting 17 different cities over a period of three weeks. This is our first time to visit many of these nations. Tenerife; Portugal; France; Albania; Greece; Cyprus; Ukraine; Latvia; and Poland are just a few of the countries that we will be ministering in. We have great anticipation for what the Lord is about to do in Europe. Join us in Europe.
This will be our last trip to Europe until next year. If you live anywhere in Europe, do whatever you can to make it to one of these meetings. Invite your friends and family—come hungry and desperate for God, and everything in your life will change for the better.
I will be giving podcast updates from each nation. Follow me on Twitter or Periscope to get the latest update from each city that we are traveling to.

View Sermon Notes from "Fire Power—Beside Yourself."
For thus says the Lord of hosts: Yet once more, in a little while, I will shake and make tremble the [starry] heavens, the earth, the sea, and the dry land; 7 And I will shake all nations and the desire and the precious things of all nations shall come in, and I will fill this house with splendor, says the Lord of hosts. Haggai 2:6-7 AMPC
God will shake everything that can be shaken. When God shakes the nations, the wealth begins to come into God’s people. It will come to those that have been faithful. You need to position yourself to be a recipient of that. Be faithful to do what God has called you to do. The harvest is inevitable.
I decree and declare over you that this week will be a supernatural week, a week of acceleration and multiplication, of increase and breakthrough on every side. Let every mountain and every obstacle be moved out of the way, in Jesus' name.
We love you and are praying for you.
Many blessings,
Drs. Rodney & Adonica Howard-Browne
P.S. Don't miss The Main Event with Adonica and I this Sunday morning at 9:45 AM either in person or online. It is going to be epic.
Invest in the Gospel
Text GiveRMI to 77977 to give now or mail your love gift to PO Box 292888, Tampa, FL 33687.
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