Weekly Update: Vision '19
February 26, 2019Publish date: 02/26/2019
Greetings in the name of Jesus! We pray that you are having an awesome week!I am so excited about our upcoming spring Ministers’ & Leaders’ Conference, May 19-26, 2019. I felt the Lord speak to me that the whole theme of the week would be called “Vision ’19.” Vision is so important! The Bible says that “without a vision the people perish.” Every single person should have a vision for their life. I believe this week is going to be truly significant. God will give you the power to do what He’s called you to do, and then He will also give you the plan and the strategy. Then the power will be released as you implement and follow that plan. I believe that this week is going to set many people in their place—with strategies that God is going to give by the Holy Ghost. Let God give you a heavenly vision for your life. Also, Dr. Caroline Leaf will be joining us as the RBI graduation commencement speaker. So, whatever you do, make plans not to miss Vision 2019. Spring MLC Free Registration.
Watch the Full Announcement
A Summer of Fire!
I felt in my spirit that our annual Summer Campmeeting, which we started in 1991, would now be known as our annual Fire Conference at The River.
Then, the week after that, July 29th-August 2nd will be our annual Youth Fire Week for young people. We are going to pack our RMI World Headquarters with young people. There are going to be major activities and all sorts of things happening all over the property during the day, and there will be revival at night. This will be open to youth and young adults ages 13-24.
Then, the following week, August 5th-9th will be our Kids Fire Week, for children ages 3-5 and 6-12. This will be a summer of fire!! Right now, all of the planning is going into place for each of these events. Follow revival.com for more updates and details as they are released.
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Praying at The Send
I had the high honor and privilege of praying for the fire of God over thousands of young people at The Send in Orlando, Florida. There were approximately 45,000 people in attendance according to the organizers of the event, with many of the greats in the body of Christ from different streams—such as Loren Cunningham, Francis Chan, Lou Engle, Daniel Kolenda, Bill Johnson, Todd White, Michael Koulianis, Andy Byrd, Heidi Baker, Claudio Freidzon, and many others. It was 12 hours of praise and worship, prayer, and preaching. It was an EPIC day of fire being ignited for people to be mobilized for the harvest. Watch the video.
View "Prayer Power" Sermon Notes
This Friday: Join us for 12 hours of prayer from 6 PM EST to 6 AM EST on Friday, March 1st.
We are inviting other churches, online-members, and all RMI friends and partners to join with us in prayer every month! This Friday, we are pressing in for the month of March! If you are a pastor, we invite you and your congregation to join us via our live stream. If you would like to open up your church for your congregation to join in with us, that would be wonderful. Otherwise, you could introduce them to our live-stream link and encourage them to pray with us in their homes. We are believing God to bless and increase you and your congregation, together with ours, as we press in for God to have His will and His way in this great nation. Come and link your faith with ours as we press in during this powerful time of prayer. Join us in Tampa or online at revival.com.
This week as you press in—write down the things that you are believing for the month of March. I dare you to put God to the test and see what happens. God answers prayer and He hears from Heaven and everything is about to be accelerated.
[Remember] this: he who sows sparingly and grudgingly will also reap sparingly and grudgingly, and he who sows generously [that blessings may come to someone] will also reap generously and with blessings. 2 Corinthians 9:6 AMPC
When you take care of God’s house, He will take care of your house. When you purpose in your heart that your earthly treasure is going to involve souls, the harvest, and the kingdom of Heaven, then I can guarantee you right now that God will move mountains out of the way and cause blessing to come to you. We are praying that this will be a supernatural week of increase, that unexpected sources of supply are coming to you. Something happens when we release what we have in our hand—we receive what God releases from His hand.
I want you to ask the Lord what He would have you do and be obedient. Invest in the Gospel today!
We are praying for increase and multiplication—that this week will be a supernatural close out to the month of February and that the month of March would be the greatest March you have ever had.
Drs. Rodney & Adonica Howard-Browne
P.S. Watch the powerful testimony of Evangelist Daniel Chand. He was radically saved and God is using him in a mighty way to shake the U.K.
Invest in the Gospel
Text GiveRMI to 77977 to give now or mail your love gift to PO Box 292888, Tampa, FL 33687.
Drs. Rodney and Adonica are believing God for another Great Spiritual Awakening in America. If the ministry of Drs. Rodney and Adonica Howard-Browne has touched your life and you believe in their call, we invite you to become a Covenant Partner with Revival Ministries International. Partner with us today!
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