Expedition Day 3 - 6
Great Awakening TourPublish date: 08/01/2010
Day 3 saw us depart the overland missions base - rapid 14 on the Zambezi River - we journeyed - eastward Zimba, Choma, Pemba and then Mazebuka where we filled up with Diesel. and on to the town of Siavongo where we crossed t...he border into Zimbabwe and went on and crossed the Kariba Dam to the town of Kariba - we then camped at Mapani Bay Camp on the shores of Kariba - we built a lager and camped in a circle to ward off hippos and crocks, elephants and any other wild animals! We then had supper and retired for the night at 11 pm - after. A long days journey - footnote (about 20 km outside of Mazebuka we encountered a problem on one of our vehicles in the convoy when the wheel snapped off the 4x4 caravan of our camera crew - Phil had to call rapid 14 and Rod Westbrook and Renee and several others took 7 hours in the daff truck to recover the vehicle the others who stayed behind and they joined us the next am at tbe camp at Mopani on the shores of lake Kariba)
Day 4 saw us have a breakfast at 9 am they two who stayed with the 4x4 until it was recovered joined us - the recovery vehicle took a total of 14 hours in total until they arrived back at rapid 14.
After B'Fast we bought supplies then we drove to Makuti town where we filled up with gas and then we went down into the escarpment until we reached the entrance of Mana Pools Game Reserve - this is to be our home for 2 nights and 3 days until we head south to Harare - we drove into the park - and it took us 2 1/2 hours from the gate to the Manna Pools main camp - we set up a lager - to ward off - Lions, Hyenas, Elephants, etc. One of the fun things I ended up doing was chasing hyenas with a million candle lamp - it was fun.
Day 5 woke up at 8 am went tiger fishing while they made b'fast - we did washing and hung up a washing line - ran the generator and charged the batteries and did repairs - this is a Livingstone camped here some 150 years ago - he explored this area and found the Vadoma tribe 2 toed people - did filming - with Andre Roebert and Overland Missions, with Phil Smethurst a beautiful day here on the banks of the Zambezi with the sounds of the wild on every side. Rested in the afternoon then had a early supper at 4 - Phil pulled a meeting together at the compound with the game wardens - at Mana Pools - about 35 men, women and kid's showed up - we we dodging hyenas just to get into the compound to conduct the service. - Sharon Smethurst sang - let freedom reign in this place - then Phil led a song in the Shona language - I then preached on the Love of God - gave the altar call - all responded - then we prayed for the sick - all claimed an instant healing - their faith had made them whole - we announced the formation of a church - Phil will send in someone from Overland Missions for a week to get them baptized - we gave them each bibles and blessed them ! Who would believe that out of a two night stop a church would be planted - amazing - went back to the camp sat around the fire and listened to the sounds of the African night - nothing like it !!
Started packing up to get ready for our early morning departure for Harare - 8 hours south! Went to bed around midnight !
Day 6 - woke up at 6.30 am - had breakfast and did the final packing for the journey - we left the campsite at 8 am. The monkeys led a planned attack to see if they could scavenge anything left over by us at the campsite. We then drove to the town of Makuti - filled up with fuel and headed south to Harare - the meeting begins Sunday Night and Ends thru Tuesday night - we then had a eventful drive down south as we were dodging trucks - oversized vehicles hauling mining equipment - potholes, and every other thing imaginable - The thing about Zimabwe is that it was once the breadbasket of Africa - some of the most fertile land now lies barren as farms were seized the tractors that once ploughed fields are now running as taxi's. Arrived into Harare at 3 pm - checked into hotel and conference center where the meeting is being held - it's Phil's 42 birthday - had supper with Pastor Efiel and Elna Nukamuri & chairman of the board of directors and his wife of the hotel chain we are staying in - had to deal with no water, in rooms, then no hot water, no flushing toilets, I thought I was back in the bush :) LOL - welcome to Africa. We are transitioning from Rural Missions in Central Africa to Urban Missions in Central Africa - different yet similar. Tried to get on the Internet last night - could not send pics - was so tired - went to bed at midnight - looking forward to Sunday.
One of our vehicles looses a wheel
Filling up with Diesel Fuel - I got to lead Nixon to the Lord and prayed with him
Many wrecks along the way
Kariba Dam
Our chief chef to feeding 20 people on Expedition - Csaba Kovacs
Leaving Mopani Camp on the banks of Lake Kariba
Lake Kariba
The Bushman and the Angel
A washing day for the bushman :)
Our Home
Washing Machine
Andre & Jenny's Home
Our Camp
Phil & Sharon's Home
The Zambezi in the background
Tiger Fishing
Watching me at work :)
Our Chief Chef for 20 people
Warthog Crocodile
Impala Monkeys
Service in the compound - Game warden's and families

Ministering on the Love of God Altar Call - All Responded

Inviting Jesus into their hearts

Prayer for the sick

The Main Game Warden - His name is Marvelous

Many Wrecks along the way

Winding roads and passes with steep gradients - this is the cause for many wrecks