Caribbean Ablaze Update: Lives Are Being Changed by the Fire of God!
Weekly Update: March 13, 2019Publish date: 03/15/2019
We send our greetings from the beautiful nation of Trinidad and Tobago.It is our prayer that the tangible presence of God would fill your house, invade your life, and touch your heart today. May the rain of Heaven come down upon you, let fresh oil be poured out, and may every need that you have be supernaturally met, in Jesus’ Name!
Last Thursday, my wife and I were invited to the White House to be a part of a faith leaders round table discussion about Israel. It was an amazing day with amazing people. There are many major things happening in the area of government. This coming Sunday, the Ambassador of El Salvador is coming to visit us at The River. They have heard about what is happening here, and they wanted to come and see it for themselves. In light of that, this coming Sunday night, we are going to do a big Holy Ghost night at The River. So, make sure to join us for The Main event this Sunday morning at 9:45 AM and a Holy Ghost night this Sunday evening at 7 PM EDT.

White House Faith Leaders Round Table
Adonica and I, and the team, are currently in the Southern Caribbean lighting Holy Ghost fires on six different islands—five nations in just six days. We are in key churches throughout these islands, and they are being mobilized for the harvest. We are going to see these islands shaken by the mighty hand of God.
I will be giving podcast updates from each nation. Follow me on Twitter or Periscope to get the latest update from each city that we are traveling to.

Vieux Fort, St. Lucia | City #57 of 300
The place was packed with 750 in the building. It was standing room only. It was a powerful service. The fire of God fell and we were live on television across the whole Island.
Total Attendance: 1,150 (750 inside standing & 400 outside with many others turned away)
Altar Call: 410
855 people mobilized for the harvest of souls
Podcast Update from St. Lucia

Kingstown, St. Vincent, and the Grenadines | City #58 of 300
Attendance: 332
Altar Call: 131
235 people mobilized for the harvest of souls
Podcast Update from St. Vincent

Mirabeau, St. Andrew, Grenada | City #59 of 300
Attendance: 630
Altar Call: 308
480 people mobilized for the harvest of souls
Podcast Update from Grenada

Bon Accord, Tobago | City #60 of 300
Attendance: 325
Altar Call: 156
235 people mobilized for the harvest of souls
Podcast Update from Tobago
Sponsor a City
We are lighting fires, and you can be a part together with us in this great harvest of souls as we go to 23 different nations over the next several weeks. In many places, in one night, we are seeing what would normally take us a whole week to see. My goal is to see 100 people ignited per city and so far we are far exceeding our goal!! You can be a part by sponsoring a city!
One Night Holy Ghost Totals
60/300 Cities
Attendance: 52,633
Altar: 15,290
People Mobilized for the Harvest: 13,392
Invest in the Gospel today!
Between now and the end of 2020, we are estimating over 60,000 people will be mobilized to win souls, which is double of what our original goal was. God is doing this! Please, keep us in your prayers and please pray about sowing into this great harvest field. Be a part of what is happening in these 300 cities.
Ask the Lord what He would have you do, and be obedient to do exactly what He tells you to do. Be generous. Do your best! Do it as an act of worship to the Lord!
Sponsor a City
Europe Ablaze
During March 25th-April 12th, we will be making our third trip to Europe within 5 months. We will be hitting 17 different countries over a period of three weeks. This is our first time to visit many of these nations. Tenerife; Portugal; France; Albania; Greece; Cyprus; Ukraine; Latvia; and Poland are just a few of the countries that we will be ministering in. We have great anticipation for what the Lord is about to do in Europe. Join us in Europe.
If you live anywhere in the Southern Caribbean, or in Europe, do whatever you can to make it to one of these meetings. Invite your friends and family—come hungry and desperate for God, and everything in your life will change for the better.

A missionary is not one who crosses the sea but one who sees the Cross. When you commit to obey God's call to win the lost at any cost—supernatural and miraculous things begin to happen. When you are genuinely saved and filled with the Holy Spirit—you cannot be quiet—you have to shout it out. View Sermon Notes from "Fire Power—To Be A Witness."
Watch Now
Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days. 2 Give a portion to seven, yes, even [divide it] to eight, for you know not what evil may come upon the earth. 3 If the clouds are full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth; and if a tree falls toward the south or toward the north, in the place where the tree falls, there it will lie. 4 He who observes the wind [and waits for all conditions to be favorable] will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap. 5 As you know not what is the way of the wind, or how the spirit comes to the bones in the womb of a pregnant woman, even so you know not the work of God, Who does all. 6 In the morning sow your seed, and in the evening withhold not your hands, for you know not which shall prosper, whether this or that, or whether both alike will be good. Ecclesiastes 11:1-6 AMPC
Whatever you sow is what you are going to reap. When we take of our finances and sow into the Kingdom, we are actually sowing into the spirit and we are actually investing in eternity. Stay consistent and keep believing and stay in that place of expectation. God gives seed to the sower. Remember to purpose in your heart that you are going to be a blessing. If you are faithful and you keep consistent, you will see what you are believing for come to pass. It’s just a matter of course. You don’t have to cry for it. You don’t have to shout for it. It will begin to come.
This is going to be a supernatural week. We are expecting great things for you. We love you and are praying for you.
Drs. Rodney & Adonica Howard-Browne
Invest in the Gospel
Text GiveRMI to 77977 to give now or mail your love gift to PO Box 292888, Tampa, FL 33687.
Drs. Rodney and Adonica are believing God for another Great Spiritual Awakening in America. If the ministry of Drs. Rodney and Adonica Howard-Browne has touched your life and you believe in their call, we invite you to become a Covenant Partner with Revival Ministries International. Partner with us today!

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